I began researching my family tree in the summer of 2003 on the foundations of research conducted by my father and my second great aunt, Winifred Pinder. Although my family tree contained fewer than one hundred names in 2003, it soon began to grow exponentially.

It is hoped that as many of my relations as possible, no matter how distantly related, will find this website and get in touch with me.

Viewers of my family tree should be aware that whilst a lot of the data is sourced, some of it isn’t. I offer no guarantee of accuracy for records held and displayed and would advise any visitor or Genealogist to verify records using their own means.

Please get in touch if you have any amendments, certificates, documents, information, newspaper articles or photos etc. to add/share.

For reasons of copyright, privacy and respect, no images are stored or published on this website. All known living individuals have been excluded along with a number attributes, events and notes for deceased relations.

I look forward to hearing from you!